Thursday, October 8, 2009


A surprise beginning

October 7, 2009. During last night prayer group, again God has built me through His vision. We have been servicing the needy, those who are cursed, who have inherited sickness through their genes, who are cursed with poverty, etc. It was such a coincidence that I was in the same group with the pastor. She led our group and told us to pray to God for vision, and revealed to us the person we will serve and what is his/her curse.

Later, God revealed to me the ‘accident’ curse. I felt this person has the ‘accident’ curse within the family. I then asked God to reveal to me who is ‘the person’, and I saw it was a lady, long hair, slim, approximately 5’4” tall, just about same height as me.

After prayer, pastor invited all those who would like to be prayed over to come forward. There were around 10 people in front of us. The pastor who stood next to me asked me softly if I saw ‘the person’ in my vision. I glanced through, and spotted a lady standing at the right corner, and in my heart, I knew it was her! I went to her and asked her for her needs and if there was any curse within the family that needed to be prayed for.

At that moment, I wanted to ask her if there is any ‘accident’ related curse; but I was too weak, I just kept my mouth shut, and told myself: I will just listen to her first!

Her eyes were tearing and she answered: “My daughter got into an accident, and she passed on. Then, my husband also got into an accident! I think we have ‘accident’ curse in our family.

I inhaled, heavy heartedly I blame myself inside my heart! I have too little faith…

After praying for her, I sat down at a corner and pondered for a while, I was tearing… I blame my own consciousness, after encountering so many testimonial, I am still weak, I dare not voice out what I saw; besides, I was tearing because even though I am weak, God still keeps giving me vision, and patiently building up my confidence.

Jesus really loves me. I am a sinner, I am not qualified to be God’s servant; because He loves me, he was crucified on the cross, redeemed my sin, enabled me to be fearless to come close to him at his throne. Thank you for your love Jesus! Thank you…







为她祷告后,我坐在角落边深思了一会儿,流泪了... 流泪是因为良心责备,透过了这么多次的见证,我还是一样的软弱,不敢把看见的说出来;另外,流泪是因为虽然自己很软弱,但是神还是一样的启示我,百般忍耐的建立我的信心。


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Where are you now?

God never said life would be easy,
but He promised it would be worth it!

Keep your eyes on Jesus, for He is coming back again...
Hold Him tight!

" Many are called but few are chosen.. " Matthew 22:14

Monday, September 7, 2009

Started from a piece of paper...

Pick Ceng was leading the prayer seminar on the 26th of August. She gave us a piece of paper that day, wanted us to start praying to God that within a month someone will be blessed. I needed a vision from God.

Detail on the paper included: sex, approximate age, attire, location and what the person needs.

We started praying, God revealed in my vision, a man who is approximately in his 50’s, wearing blue and white shirt and black slacks at the church. I wrote down everything I saw in my vision, I asked God what the person needs. The answer was to bless him with his finance. I slided the paper inside my bible, put my hands on top and prayed to God to make this come through.

From 04-09-2009 to 07-09-2009, Pick Ceng, Sie Kui, Jess See, Kai Ling and I went to Kuching for a short mission trip, and it was a smooth one.

On 06-09-2009 afternoon, after the Sunday mass at City Harvest Kuching Church, we had lunch with Pastor George from City Harvest Kuching Church.

I was listening quietly to the conversation between Pastor George and Pastor Mee Yieng about the happenings of the church. Subconsciously, the Holy Spirit has prompted me to observe his attire, and reminded me of the prophecy given during the prayer seminar. I realized, “that’s him!” (Please look at him in the picture and what he is wearing)

I was scared to approach him and tell him about the vision I have received from the Holy Spirit. However, after the encouragement from our pastor and my classmates, I asked him if he is in need of financial help, and I told him God will bless him financially. What Pastor George confided me was the same as what I have seen in my vision. Then, I prayed over him.

Thank you Jesus! Again, I was able to give my blessing to someone. I also thank you God for molding me to be more sensitive towards You. What I have to say from my heart is: “I am really blessed! Thank you Jesus!”




04-09-2009 - 07-09-2009,我、碧晨、世贵、洁茜和凯麟被派到古晋去短宣,整个过程中都很顺利。就在06-09-2009的下午,当我们在古晋的城市丰收教会服事完了的时候,我们就和古晋的城市丰收教会的牧师(Pastor George)吃饭。

当时Pastor George正在和美燕牧师聊起教会的事,坐在旁边的我就静静的听他们的交谈。




Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Before seeing you, I have already seen you…

Sometimes in March, there was a notice in the church bulletin about a British speaker whom is invited to be here in August to teach us "Prophetic Healing", his name is Ian Andrew and he is an Apostle. None of us have seen him before, not even his pictures, since this would be very first time we are inviting him.

In May, God gave me a dream. I dreamt about Ian Andrew holding my hands and praying for me. I was touched by the Holy Spirit, and I can feel that I was slowly resting in the Holy Spirit. The Ian Andrew in my dream, has thinning hair, a little bald ( Opps! ), wearing glasses, not very tall, slim, and looks seemingly like Linkin Park main singer - Chester Charles Bennington ( Haha... Sorry, I don't know anybody else that resemble him better! )

I can remember this scene vividly after I woke up. Ever since then, I was yearning for Ian Andrew to come. I did ask myself, "Is Ian Andrew really look like that? If he looks the same as what I have dreamt of, that would be a miracle, and it's God's deed. This proven that God can communicate with us through our dream, just as what describe in the Old Testament on Joseph's dream ( Genesis 37, 39-50 ).

He is finally here after I have waited anxiously for the past few months. That is Ian Andrew in the picture; does he look like what I have described? I can't believe that I have never met this person, and yet God has revealed him to me in my dream. This is simply mysterious!

I am blessed throughout entire session with him, and I understand even better now the work of God. Thank you Jesus, it is a great feeling to encounter you again!

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, if you also want to have this experience, don't be shy in your prayer. Tell God bravely! God says: " Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord......" Jeremiah 29:12-14


大概三月份的时候,教会报告说八月份会邀请一位从英国来的讲员,教导我们“先知性神的医治”,他叫Ian Andrew,是一位使徒。因为我们的教会是第一次请这位讲员,所以只是知道他的名字而已,从来没有人见过这位讲员的样子,也没有他的照片。

在五月份的时候,上帝让我发了一个异梦。我梦见使徒Ian Andrew抓着我的手,为我祷告,然后我被圣灵充满,深深地感受到自己慢慢的倒下去,然后就醒来了。在梦中,我看见使徒Ian Andrew的样子,他的头发不多,有些秃头(哈哈,对不起)、戴眼镜、人长得不会很高、而且是瘦瘦的,看起来有点像Linkin Park的主唱Chester Charles Bennington(哈哈,对不起,我不知道可以用谁来形容了)。

后来,我醒了后,这幅画面就很清楚的在我的脑海中,一直很期待使徒Ian Andrew的到来。心中也问了自己一个问题,‘使徒Ian Andrew是这个样子的吗?’如果使徒Ian Andrew和我梦见的Ian Andrew是一样的话,那就真的很神奇了,一定是神的作为!这也证明了上帝是可以透过梦来和我们说话,就像圣经旧约的约瑟一样(创世纪37,39-50)。

期待了好多个月,终于等到了。图中的就是使徒Ian Andrew,你们说像吗?我几乎不能相信我从来没有见过的人,上帝既然会在梦中先让我见到。太神奇了!


Saturday, August 1, 2009

DR. Bill Hamon, the CI Founder...

In 1967, Dr. Bill Hamon founded Christian International School of Theology and in 1970 the first Cl Extension Colleges were established. During the last twenty-six years, hundreds of Cl Extensions have been established in local churches around the world. Over 8,000 students have enrolled in Cl Off-Campus Bible College Courses with over 820 graduates...

If you want to know more, please log on to

Well... Good news!

He is coming with Apostle Rich Marshall, Apostle Ron Sawka, Prophet Micah and Apostle Barbara to Sibu, Sarawak next year 2010, June 1-3 for AP RALLY 5, come and join us!

Friday, July 31, 2009

You touched me...

July 25, 2009 at night, I was at the library and came a crossed a book.

Somehow, I was attracted to it; it is “When God speaks” by Chuck D.Pierce & Rebecca Wagner Sytsema. It teaches us how to hear God’s voice, receive vision and dreams, etc. The book also provides many testimonials.

One of the paragraphs talk about how God is communicating with us and He would even wake us up middle of the night to give us vision of certain matters.

I was thinking to myself, “Wow! How nice would it be if I can also experience God’s miracle in this manner!” I made a prayer in my heart, asking God to let me have this experience.

The very next day morning, I felt my shoulder was tapped three times, there were sounds of knocking on wooden door, I was awakening immediately. When I opened my eyes, there was no one besides my bed, but I can still feel the touch on my shoulder. I suddenly realized it is God waking me up, it was 8am sharp. I felt like God is trying to tell me to wake up, get ready and pray. It was almost as if God really wanted me to get up. Since I didn’t get enough sleep, I thought through, apologize to God and went back to sleep.

Not long after that (½ hour later), I was awakening again. But this time, it was not God, but our pastor. I guess God knows my daily routine (I need ½ an hour to get ready).

Even though this is just a short testimonial, but this is the first time I have experienced being touched by God. I have also learned that we should follow the voice of Holy Spirit, and do not ignore the touch of Holy Spirit. I would like to give you a suggestion, if you also would like to experience God, try praying to God and ask Him for the experience! I believe God will let you experience His existence.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7: 7-8








“你们祈求,就给你们;寻找,就寻见;叩门,就给你们开门。因为凡祈求的,就得着;寻找的,就寻见;叩门的,就给他开门。”马太福音 7:7-8

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I encounter You again...

I went to Everise Mall with my classmates again today. As usual, I will pray to God for vision. I sat down, closed my eyes and start to pray. God revealed to me a butterfly. I was curious, wondering what is the significant of the butterfly. Then, I prayed to God again to let me picture something else. I then saw a wing spreading, soaring eagle. But I still don’t understand. I asked God where this person is. I didn’t get any answer. I was thinking to myself, this person should be somewhere around. So as I was walking, I asked God what kind of issue this person has. God revealed that this person is having relationship issues.

I start to look for my ‘prey’. Out of a sudden, I saw a mannequin in a fashion boutique wearing the clothing with the picture of butterfly (First Picture). So, I walked towards the boutique, I saw a girl sitting inside, and what attracted me the most about her was her black color clothing with the picture of eagle’s wings (Second Picture).
I mastered my courage; I walked to her and told her what I have received from God. She replied that she is very upset, she has dispute with her boyfriend. I prayed for her, and she broke down crying feeling like this has bothered her for a long time. I thank you God for letting me to experience You once again. You also guided me to meet with this girl, and allow me to have the opportunity to pray over her.

* I received her sms on August 6, and she informed me that she is now okay with boyfriend. Praise the Lord!



* 这女孩在八月六日寄信息给我,问候我。她告诉我她与男朋友没事了!感谢神。