Saturday, September 12, 2009

Where are you now?

God never said life would be easy,
but He promised it would be worth it!

Keep your eyes on Jesus, for He is coming back again...
Hold Him tight!

" Many are called but few are chosen.. " Matthew 22:14

Monday, September 7, 2009

Started from a piece of paper...

Pick Ceng was leading the prayer seminar on the 26th of August. She gave us a piece of paper that day, wanted us to start praying to God that within a month someone will be blessed. I needed a vision from God.

Detail on the paper included: sex, approximate age, attire, location and what the person needs.

We started praying, God revealed in my vision, a man who is approximately in his 50’s, wearing blue and white shirt and black slacks at the church. I wrote down everything I saw in my vision, I asked God what the person needs. The answer was to bless him with his finance. I slided the paper inside my bible, put my hands on top and prayed to God to make this come through.

From 04-09-2009 to 07-09-2009, Pick Ceng, Sie Kui, Jess See, Kai Ling and I went to Kuching for a short mission trip, and it was a smooth one.

On 06-09-2009 afternoon, after the Sunday mass at City Harvest Kuching Church, we had lunch with Pastor George from City Harvest Kuching Church.

I was listening quietly to the conversation between Pastor George and Pastor Mee Yieng about the happenings of the church. Subconsciously, the Holy Spirit has prompted me to observe his attire, and reminded me of the prophecy given during the prayer seminar. I realized, “that’s him!” (Please look at him in the picture and what he is wearing)

I was scared to approach him and tell him about the vision I have received from the Holy Spirit. However, after the encouragement from our pastor and my classmates, I asked him if he is in need of financial help, and I told him God will bless him financially. What Pastor George confided me was the same as what I have seen in my vision. Then, I prayed over him.

Thank you Jesus! Again, I was able to give my blessing to someone. I also thank you God for molding me to be more sensitive towards You. What I have to say from my heart is: “I am really blessed! Thank you Jesus!”




04-09-2009 - 07-09-2009,我、碧晨、世贵、洁茜和凯麟被派到古晋去短宣,整个过程中都很顺利。就在06-09-2009的下午,当我们在古晋的城市丰收教会服事完了的时候,我们就和古晋的城市丰收教会的牧师(Pastor George)吃饭。

当时Pastor George正在和美燕牧师聊起教会的事,坐在旁边的我就静静的听他们的交谈。


