Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Before seeing you, I have already seen you…

Sometimes in March, there was a notice in the church bulletin about a British speaker whom is invited to be here in August to teach us "Prophetic Healing", his name is Ian Andrew and he is an Apostle. None of us have seen him before, not even his pictures, since this would be very first time we are inviting him.

In May, God gave me a dream. I dreamt about Ian Andrew holding my hands and praying for me. I was touched by the Holy Spirit, and I can feel that I was slowly resting in the Holy Spirit. The Ian Andrew in my dream, has thinning hair, a little bald ( Opps! ), wearing glasses, not very tall, slim, and looks seemingly like Linkin Park main singer - Chester Charles Bennington ( Haha... Sorry, I don't know anybody else that resemble him better! )

I can remember this scene vividly after I woke up. Ever since then, I was yearning for Ian Andrew to come. I did ask myself, "Is Ian Andrew really look like that? If he looks the same as what I have dreamt of, that would be a miracle, and it's God's deed. This proven that God can communicate with us through our dream, just as what describe in the Old Testament on Joseph's dream ( Genesis 37, 39-50 ).

He is finally here after I have waited anxiously for the past few months. That is Ian Andrew in the picture; does he look like what I have described? I can't believe that I have never met this person, and yet God has revealed him to me in my dream. This is simply mysterious!

I am blessed throughout entire session with him, and I understand even better now the work of God. Thank you Jesus, it is a great feeling to encounter you again!

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, if you also want to have this experience, don't be shy in your prayer. Tell God bravely! God says: " Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord......" Jeremiah 29:12-14


大概三月份的时候,教会报告说八月份会邀请一位从英国来的讲员,教导我们“先知性神的医治”,他叫Ian Andrew,是一位使徒。因为我们的教会是第一次请这位讲员,所以只是知道他的名字而已,从来没有人见过这位讲员的样子,也没有他的照片。

在五月份的时候,上帝让我发了一个异梦。我梦见使徒Ian Andrew抓着我的手,为我祷告,然后我被圣灵充满,深深地感受到自己慢慢的倒下去,然后就醒来了。在梦中,我看见使徒Ian Andrew的样子,他的头发不多,有些秃头(哈哈,对不起)、戴眼镜、人长得不会很高、而且是瘦瘦的,看起来有点像Linkin Park的主唱Chester Charles Bennington(哈哈,对不起,我不知道可以用谁来形容了)。

后来,我醒了后,这幅画面就很清楚的在我的脑海中,一直很期待使徒Ian Andrew的到来。心中也问了自己一个问题,‘使徒Ian Andrew是这个样子的吗?’如果使徒Ian Andrew和我梦见的Ian Andrew是一样的话,那就真的很神奇了,一定是神的作为!这也证明了上帝是可以透过梦来和我们说话,就像圣经旧约的约瑟一样(创世纪37,39-50)。

期待了好多个月,终于等到了。图中的就是使徒Ian Andrew,你们说像吗?我几乎不能相信我从来没有见过的人,上帝既然会在梦中先让我见到。太神奇了!



  1. That means God likes to speak to u through different ways, I wish I can have this kind of experience, u r really so blessed, keep on.
